April 15

Robert Mah leads our discussion today, “how does homosexuality impact our lives”

Robert Mah continues our topic but from a different perspective asking the group questions and sharing his own personal experiences.  The message was informative, honest and engaging.

Interpreting this presentation into this blog would not do its justice, nor would you get the full impact of what and how Robert presented. Well done Robert! We applaud you for researching and sharing your personal experiences.

Please scroll down to the YouTube links and view at your leisure. Don’t miss.

Robert has notes from this discussion. If you would like a copy, please let him know.


George Lai reminded us to make scripture part of our lives. Not just read it. Understand it and live it. Today he spoke about the scripture from John 11:25.

Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die." 

Martha believes in the resurrection but does she believe and trust in God?

When Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus spoke these words and meant, I am the resurrection (Now! not later)... and if you believe in me (I am resurrecting Lazarus right now), you will live. 

George says it’s important to read the scripture carefully and you will pick up clues to help understand it more fully.


Please click the links to view our class:

(Apologies, you will hear a segments partially repeat, not professionally edited ;-) )

1. https://youtu.be/IitDTrqYEJE

2. https://youtu.be/ujy8V2ymETo


This coming Sunday, April 22nd, Don Fong will be talking about cancer. Thank you for supporting The Sunday Gathering! We couldn’t exist without all of your participation!

The FCBC Sunday Gathering
“A place to share and get to know one another better and grow closer to God.”


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