April 22

Don Fong talks to us about living with stage 4 lung cancer

Don Fong tells us about his personal journey with cancer and later the group shared their own experiences whether they had cancer or if they have helped a friend or family member who is going through it. Because of the nature of this topic, once again, viewing the presentation is much more impactful than reading about it.

Attached below is a link that will allow you to view this past Sunday Gathering. 

Thank you Don for opening up and sharing the details of your journey and telling us how and when you discovered you had cancer, how you have dealt with it in your day to day life and how others can ease the comfort of talking about and to a cancer patient. 

Don's faith is as strong as ever and feels this is God's plan and is ready to walk with God in whatever path is chosen for him.

Please Click Below to view Don's class:




George tells us to read John 11 and continues to talk about the time Martha was confronted by Jesus. George tells us Jesus felt she had some doubt he was Christ. Martha claimed he was The Messiah. But Martha believed the Messiah may not be Christ. George tells us there are many translations for The Messiah. So when reading the Bible, NIV for example, the Bible makes reference to "The Messiah" but prior to NIV versions the Bible will refer to him as "Christ". George asks the group, what is the shortest verse in the Bible?... "Jesus wept." Which makes you think, was Jesus fully human?

Click to see the rest of George's 5 minutes on John 11:



Next Up, April 29th:

Jimmy Lim will lead The Gathering in a discussion about

"Homosexuality through Biblical, scientific and social lenses"

George Lai will continue the importance of scripture and how we need to make it part of our daily lives.

The FCBC Sunday Gathering
"A place to share and get to know 
one another better and grow closer to God."

Please join us!


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