May 20

Melanie Low joins The Sunday Gathering and discusses Hebrews 12:1-3:
  Have you ever been through tough times and lost faith in God?

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endure the cross, scorning it’s shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Main points to remember:

1. Great cloud of wintesses
2. Focus on Jesus, so we won’t grow weary and lose heart
Paul says we are in a race, Melanie says it’s a marathon and that we need people around to mentor us.
We need to train, compete and finish the race.
Like Steph Curry! Who has many people around him to train him, his coaches, his team mates, and constantly receives encouragement when he misses.

Even Curry admits he loses focus. Do you lose focus on God?

Melanie says we need to practice, and reveals her cloud of witnesses who have helped her through her race such as George Lai, Clarence Chan, Sophie Chong, James and Marie Chuck to name a few. She has learned much from them through their experiences and can see their gratefulness.

They studied and grew together in Christ with many challenges along the way...
Between 1978-1982 Melanie was very ill and Victor needed to step in to manage their children. She remembers her nurse who was Christian and she encouraged her daily.

Christ is there to help us! It’s important to remember he is there during tough times. FCBC fellowship groups have their cloud of witnesses, i.e. Sojourners, Xplorers...they all have had struggles staying focused but with a cloud of witnesses (wonderful support system) and their trust in God for to fulfill their needs it helps to stay and be together and remain faithful to God.

Melanie suggests we all add something to the marathon. Perhaps we can try to reach out to the 10am Chinese Speaking service. One person can make a difference. Having a conversation, finding common ground, we are believers and we follow Christ. We should pray for each other.

The junior high group has already begun this process.  They have joined efforts with Anita Yong who is part of the Chinese speaking congregation. The kids and parents are getting to know each other and they are worshiping together and building their cloud of witnesses.

Flourish, focus on Christ, seek mentors.

We broke into small groups and focused on these questions:

How can we reach out to others? So we can learn from each other.

How do you focus on the race?

How do you practice? What do you practice?

Ho do you not grow weary and lose heart?

Who are your mentors? What have you learned?

Fellowships are IMPORTANT.

How’s your fellowship group doing? What is your involvement?

Click for Melanie's Lesson from Hebrews:


“5 minutes with George”

Psalm 23

The early days they relied on oral tradition. They didn't have scripture. Early gospel was written about 40 years after Jesus, about 75AD. So they worshiped orally by reciting Psalms in the Synagogue...

George suggests we practice the same way...and to recite it responsively. One group would recite a sentence and the other group would respond and continue to alternate until complete. 

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, he makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides still waters, he restores my soul, he leads me in paths of righteousness for his namesake”.....

Thank you Melanie and George for your time and preparation this week!

A lot to think about.

Click for George Lai's lesson from Psalm 23:


The Sunday Gathering
A place to get to know each other better and grow closer to God


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