May 27

Thank you George Lai for preparing your perspective on 3 scriptures that were included in the presentations given by Paul FongRobert Mah and Jimmy Lim.

1. Leviticus 18:22
2. Romans 1:26-27
3. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

George states that there are the ONLY 3 scriptures that the Bible references to homosexuality.

He also claims there is not a Greek word for homosexuality. But sexual immorality was mentioned in the Bible. 

George presents his view and makes rational argument against these 3 scriptures. 

Assumptions that people make:

1. Seeing is believing 

2. Absence does not mean it doesn't exist

3. Not all scriptures are equal in value and scriptures are not inerrant

4. Everybody, including Biblical writers (Jesus too) "cherry picks", i.e. this sciprture would be useful so i can use this for my presentation, sermon. But we must understand the source and why and how it can be taken out of context.

5. Absolute truth is uncertain and unattainable rationally, but consistency is highly desirable. We need to divorce ourselves from emotional and rational decisions.

6. We are all biased and have our own point of view..For example, many buildings in SF are named after people that may not be liked by all, but they remain or the name is changed. If a person who supported slavery has their name on a building he/her name may be removed because slavery does not exist.     
Should we impose our values upon someone else and change the name of the building? This is referred to as "Presentism", when we project present values to other times, past and future.

7. Historically, there are winners and losers. Winners get to tell their story.
Leviticus was compiled over 100 year time period. After many decades, people's values change, the norm of society changes, so over time, Leviticus has changed. Same with the 10 commandments. Commandments do not come all at once. They come a little at a time.

George continues by discussing the Israelites and the Levi's, 1st Century Corinth and Rome, 1st Century Homosexuality and Apostle Paul.

Then closes with a personal story.

George asks the group to think about this...
Why does George think that Leviticus is NOT a scripture to be used against homosexuality?

We ran short on time and George will continue next week and ask the group to respond to this question and complete his perspective from Romans and 1 Corinthians.

Catch George Lai's full presentation and click the video link below:


The Sunday Gathering
A place to get to know each other and grow closer to God


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