July 15

Rodney Tom Leads our discussion today and encourages us to be mindful! Key Points about how to create and incorporate mindfulness in your life: 1. Live now, don't worry about the past or the future 2. Meditation can help to lessen your daily worries, reduce anxiety 3. Trust in the Lord 4. Think about what you are doing now; eating, breathing - pay attention every moment 5. Being mindful by being thankful Rodney leads everyone in a 1 minute breathing exercise to lead us to a moment of meditation. He reminds us to NOT think of anything. Maximum benefits happen when you can remove your 'to do' thoughts or check list and stay quiet and focus on your breathing. 1. Stop 2. Breathe 3. Pray 4. Repeat Take a moment to recite the Jesus Prayer: "Lord son of God, have mercy on me". Prayer rope - a reminder to count how many times one has prayed Stay focused on what you are praying about, do not let your mind wand...