
Showing posts from September, 2018

September 23

Larry Rice joins us for a Redwood Glen Update: Since 2014, Redwood Glen has encountered major problems with their water supply. It has been an ongoing challenge since that time and it appears they're approaching resolution. The ongoing financial stress continues but some remain optimistic because the campsite is booked through October of 2019. There is a great deal of debt and a huge financial need to secure operation for the next 6 months to keep Redwood Glen afloat.  Listen to the details of our presentation today: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, George reminds us to be thankful in all circumstances. This week he takes a moment to have us think about "embracing a stranger" so that we may pray without ceasing. ---------------------------------------------------...

September 16

Bless the City! B - Breaking Barriers L - Lift up the Weak E - Embrace the stranger S - Share the Good News S - Stay with the People How can FCBC Bless the City? What can "WE DO" to Bless the City? Pator Sebastian Ong   recaps the Summer Series @ The Gathering  Pastor Ong divided everyone into small groups to discuss questions below  addressing "what can we do to bless the city?" This series will continue this Sunday, September 23rd, 10am @ the YMCA Your participation and support is invaluable to help build and strengthen our Church and community into a new and positive direction. Click below to see The Sunday Gathering: --------------------------------------------...

September 9

Tim Tseng finishes his portion of the Summer Series, "Bless this City" Please Click below for a full recording of Tim's Lesson: Pastor Sebastian Ong will tie the Summer Series together with "The Future of FCBC" this coming Sunday, September 16th for Session 1. Session 2 with Pastor Sebastian will be September 30th. The Gathering will be sending a survey and hope to have full participation regarding The Summer Series. If you are not receiving weekly emails, please send your email so you can be added to the list! To: What really makes The Sunday Gathering special are the people: Join us! The Sunday Gathering "A place to get to know each other and grow closer to God"

August 26

Rev. Tim Tseng talks about learning to worship together The Summer Series continues with Rev. Tim Tseng!   Recapping the voices from Alex and Nate Lee and bringing attention to what we all can do  to benefit by working together. Tim suggests we can help  Bless the World   if we can help break barriers, lift up the weak  (help those in need),  embrace the stranger  (welcoming those who are different than us) ,  share the good news  (We are called to share the Gospel) ,  and to stay with the people  (God wants to be with his people, we should do the same).  Attached is a Google file with Tim's entire presentation notes / summer series for your reference.  You may need a Google account to view.  If you missed class August 26th, click to view: ...