September 16

Bless the City!

B - Breaking Barriers
L - Lift up the Weak
E - Embrace the stranger
S - Share the Good News
S - Stay with the People

How can FCBC Bless the City?

What can "WE DO" to Bless the City?

Pator Sebastian Ong 
recaps the Summer Series @ The Gathering 

Pastor Ong divided everyone into small groups to discuss questions below 
addressing "what can we do to bless the city?"

This series will continue this Sunday, September 23rd, 10am @ the YMCA

Your participation and support is invaluable to help build and strengthen our Church and community into a new and positive direction.

Click below to see The Sunday Gathering:


We began our morning with George Lai:

Give thanks in all circumstances, good and bad.

Reflect on the bad things that have happened to you...

Love for God should not be contingent on only the good things that happen to us.

Click below to hear/see George Lai:


The Sunday Gathering

"A place to get to know each other and grow closer to God"


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