December 30

Jonathan Ng leads us in a discussion about

"How Does God Speak?"

How does God speak to you? Do you always hear him? Is it ever a struggle to hear God?...The relationship with Christ and with others requires a dialogue. It's a two way conversation. Back in the day before caller ID, you would answer the phone and recognize who may be calling you. The same goes for God. The stronger the relationship, the better you can hear what God is saying.

John 14:26 
"but the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

He speaks through the Bible, Prayer, circumstances and the Church; The Holy Spirit helps communicate the truth of what God is saying to us. 

Circumstance, it's God's way of communicating to us, but you need to notice the circumstance.

"What is your will for me" vs "what is your plan for me" 

"Who or what are you listening to?" Music, news, work? are you allowing silence in your day so you can hear God?

"Do you go through the day and attune yourself to God" Prayer? 

"What is one thing that is keeping you from hearing God"

See Jon's full presentation:

Jon asked us to select one person in our group to share "how God is speaking to them"
Don Fong shares his experience with our group:

Don Fong shares how he hears God


5 Minutes with George

George Lai says, when you read the Bible, its not all doom and gloom.

There is humor in the Bible.  When you read it sometimes, you can find humor if you look for it.

For example, Matthew 7:5 - Do not Judge others, when you have a speck in your eye, you should take the LOG out of your own eye!

Attached below are more quotes to ponder and will make you smile :-)

See today's lesson from George: 

The Sunday Gathering
"A place to get to know each other and grow closer to God"


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