February 24

"Are you enough?"

Aaron Tom leads today's Gathering.
George Lai opens with scripture

Aaron takes us way back to when YOU were in grade school. What emotions were felt when it was Valentines Day. How well did you perform for your class spelling bee? When it was time to open Christmas gifts, what were your expectations? were you excited? Were you an obedient child? or did you swim up stream?

Sierra and Haley lead our spelling bee!

Jackie Ma leads our Valentine Card project

Who did you give a Valentine to?

Did you receive a Valentine? How did that make you feel?

Christmas gift opening, was it all you hoped for?

Were you an obedient child? Did you help with chores?

Liane takes the lead!

The 2 Don's receiving their instructions.
Join in the fun and watch The Gathering and the Sr Hi's together as we build community:







Stay tuned for Part 2 with the Sr Hi's: Are you enough?

The Sunday Gathering, A place to get to know each other and grow closer to God.


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