George Lai opened today with scripture from John 1:1-14 George reminds us that James Chuck created The Gathering and he intended for us to learn (memorize) some scripture. It would be the basis and the foundation for our group. First Matthew identifies Jesus as a descendent of Abraham. Jesus is a jewish person. Then Luke tells us that Jesus is not just a jewish person but is a human being. He traces the genealogy as far back to Adam when God created man. People argued, that can't be right...but John writes much later and says Jesus is not just a human being...he is God. He begins his Gospel, similar to the Old Testament.... 1. In the beginning was the word 2. And The word was with God 3. And The word was God 4. And The word became flesh 4. And he lived among us. Because of these verses, the early church struggled for 100's of years.."how can God create / become man?"....George will follow up as to why...the church struggled with we co...
George spends some time sharing his thoughts about Bible interpretation and his views on why some scripture may not be used to justify a point. He catches up from last week and discusses Leviticus 18:22 / Romans and feels this may not be scripture that can be used against homosexuality. Pastor Ong announced he would continue with Romans during his sermon for the day. The audio version of Pastor's sermon's is available on the FCBC website: Pastor Ong says, continue to listen to each other, even if we believe we are right. When we are convinced that we are morally right often we are less likely to listen to opposing opinions. 1. Abortion: Pro Choice: Women have the right to to control their own body. Pro Live: The fetus's status as a human being means it has the right to live. Problem:...
Victor's father came to America in 1905. He worked for 15 years in America and went back to China and brought his wife over when he was 31 and his wife was 18 at the time. He was able to return to San Francisco while Victor's mom lived on Angel Island for 10 days before moving here. Victor is the only boy of 8 children and he didn't really know his father very well. He was very busy working different jobs and fortunately, Victor spent much of his time growing up at the Chinatown YMCA. Years later, Victor and his sisters honored him by installing a plaque with his name and their mother's name on a wall on Angel Island. Victor spoke about his appreciation for the life his father gave to him here in San Francisco and remembers the sacrifices made knowing his Dad worked very hard to provide for his 8 children and hoped the family would have a better life here. Everyone broke into groups and was given an opportunity to share thoughts about their father. He ask...
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