September 20th ~ Wendy takes on Ephesians!

Wendy explores Ephesians via The Bible Project:

Message from Tim, The Bible Project

In this week’s lesson, we’re looking at Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus—a diverse group of Jews and non-Jews from various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Ephesians didn’t have much in common, yet Paul is very clear that in the family of God, all are equal recipients of God’s grace through Jesus. 

Societies have always categorized people into different hierarchies of value, but Jesus came to create a new humanity that is unified across all dividing lines. What does it mean to be a new unified humanity in a culture where followers of Jesus can be found on both sides of many controversial issues? How can our allegiance to Jesus compel us to have patient and meaningful dialogue with those whose views differ from our own?

So much to cover and very little time. Encourage you to view their audio and video independently to discover your own thoughts and feelings about how Ephesians can enrich your life.

Click here for the Bible Project message about Ephesians with the audio and video.

Grab your Bible:

Ephesians 1:9-10
Ephesians 2:11-22
Ephesians 4:1 5:2


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