March 11

Warren Lee shared a real eye opener today and says Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking over the way we live. It has proven to be remarkably helpful in so many ways, but are humans able to survive with AI exclusively? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence that humans possess, such as voice/face recognition, comprehending chess (better than humans), play simulated war strategies, and driving automobiles. AI has become a threat to human society. What have we become? What will we be? Robots? We hope not! Warren believes AI should help support humans not replace them. Computers cannot duplicate the qualities of love, faith and hope. John 13:34-35 talks about love. Warren shared a story about the time he graduated from college and was theoretically prepared to do the job but really had know idea how to do it! A person there became a mentor to him and guided ...