February 10

Jonah runs but eventually goes to Nineveh and God saves them Thank you George Lai for sharing this very important message: Jonah gets a second chance! He packs up and heads to Nineveh. Took him 3 days and 3 nights, 40 days Nineveh will be overthrown. Nineveh is mostly Jews but later they believe in God after Jonah arrives. How does that happen? In the beginning, Jonah was passive and went to sleep and ran away. The further he ran, the more trouble came to follow him. He was thrown into the sea, and was swallowed by a fish! Later he felt anger with God because he asked Jonah to go and help the people but felt God was going to help them anyway. God says, "do you have the right to be angry?" Meanwhile, Jonah waits 40 days to see what happens to Nineveh.... The people of Nineveh began to believe in God once Jonah delivered the news that the city was going to be destroyed. Why? Did Jonah's disobedience to God endanger the lives of others? What ...