May 27

Thank you George Lai for preparing your perspective on 3 scriptures that were included in the presentations given by Paul Fong , Robert Mah and Jimmy Lim. 1. Leviticus 18:22 2. Romans 1:26-27 3. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 George states that there are the ONLY 3 scriptures that the Bible references to homosexuality. He also claims there is not a Greek word for homosexuality. But sexual immorality was mentioned in the Bible. George presents his view and makes rational argument against these 3 scriptures. Assumptions that people make: 1. Seeing is believing 2. Absence does not mean it doesn't exist 3. Not all scriptures are equal in value and scriptures are not inerrant 4. Everybody, including Biblical writers (Jesus too) "cherry picks", i.e. this sciprture would be useful so i can use this for my presentation, sermon. But we must understand the source and why and how it can be taken out of context. 5. Absolute truth is...